BJH Cares ❤️
At Buying Jax Homes, we care about serving our local community and those in need, as much as we care about serving you. On this page, you will find some of our charity donations, non profit organizations we support & volunteer opportunities we have participated in. There is a link on each listing so you can learn more about their mission.
Volunteer Participations
St John’s River Keeper
“St. Johns RIVERKEEPER is a privately-funded, independent and trusted voice for the St. Johns River and the public to whom it belongs. We are a 501(c)(3) organization and rely on the support of our members, donors, and volunteers to accomplish our mission.”
They host many events open to the public involving clean up of our local parks and waterways. Nathan Claire of Buying Jax Homes has participated in several of their cleanups at Riverview Park and in downtown Riverside along the St John’s River.

Habitat For Humanity (HabiJax)
“HabiJax is one of the largest non-profit affordable housing builders in Duval County and is considered to be one of the most successful Habitat for Humanity affiliates in the United States, having provided homeownership opportunities and other housing services to over 2,300 families. HabiJax is a multifaceted organization and an advocate for affordable housing and fair housing policies to help families improve their housing conditions.”
We recently volunteered with Habijax in Atlantic Beach to help build new construction housing 🛠

Organizations We Support

“Established in 2001, our mission is to serve impoverished communities in India and humanity at large during times of need, to provide well-defined contributions for the education of destitute children, provide impoverished communities with health, vision and dental care through permanent facilities and mobile clinics, to provide aid to communities in times of natural calamities, “